How do you distribute your time?
Each week has {{totalHoursWeek}} hours and each day has {{totalHoursDay}} hours.
Select the number of hours you spend on each category per day and the number of days a week:
Sleep and rest: is the time used for relax and sleep.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{sleepCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{sleepCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Education: Activities to learn something new or develop abilities.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{educationCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{educationCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Health: time to improve or maintain your body in good shape.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{healthCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{healthCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Morning activities: take a shower, prepare the breakfast and get ready for your day.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{breakfastCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{breakfastCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Work: time that you use to develop professionals activities.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{workCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{workCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Family: spend with your parents, siblings or any member of your family.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{familyCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{familyCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Transportation: Drive your car or take a bus from one location to another.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{transportCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{transportCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Mealtime: at this time, your cook your food and you eat it.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{mealtimeCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{mealtimeCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Entertainment: Activities like go to the cinema or be with your friends.
Select the number of hours per day:
per day.
How often do you do these activities?
You invest: {{entertainmentCategory.hoursByWeek}}hrs. per week and {{entertainmentCategory.hours}} hours per day.
Note: If your doing other activities, you try you include within the categories set.